Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well, it's been awhile, our computer and internet has been down. All of our babies have left us for their new homes and lives. Allthought we do still have our little Punk, he has decided he is going to stay with us here on the bayou. He has truly lived up to his name, allways into some kind of trouble. We could tell from early on he would be something to watch closely, lets just say he had to learn to swim around this bayou at an early age.
But we still love him, and we are glad to have him stay here with us.

Now for the sad news, our last batch of babies will be our last. We have decided that we are not going to have anymore babies here, our lives have taken a change and it is for the best of all. We would love to thank all who have one of our babies, and to ask to please in the future stay intouch. Send lots of pics and we will do so here as our family grows and our little Punk grows with us. And as time goes on we will be posting pics of each of our little babies as they came into our life and the short while they were with us, we hope to enclude pics of each now as they have gone on to new homes, so send us pics from time to time and let us know how things are going, we will post here at our home site, and that way all of our children can stay intouch. Who knows, maybe there's a family reunion comming our way one day.

Life is good on the Bayou
Jackson, Lizzy and Punk